Wednesday 21 May 2014

This is going to be harder than I thought…

Hello [ni hao] Internet. It is a balmy 85° here in Yangling, China today and I think the sky is blue underneath the thick covering of smog. After moving our room, my roommate Jamie and I finally have internet connection, so because this blog post is late in coming here is a recap of my first few days in China:
·         A miserable 13 hour plane ride [but I did get to watch Frozen and all 3 movies in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy complements of United Airlines™]
·         An 11 hour ride from Beijing to Xi’an on a train that was a cross between the Hogwarts Express and an Army barrack. I got the pleasure of awkwardly sleeping on a bunk facing a random Chinese man for the majority of the journey

·         A trip to a wildlife sanctuary that had LOTS OF PANDAS [after we drove two hours in the wrong direction to a zoo that did NOT have pandas]

·         A walk around a Temple of Fortune that will apparently give me luck [so this should mean I will ace all of my classes second year]

·         An entire day spent in the awesome city of Xi’an where we toured the Bell and Drum towers that are centuries old and ate lamb soup in the Muslim Quarter

·         An 8+ mile bike ride on the Xi’an City wall that used to enclose the old city

·         3 uneventful days of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine classes

So far China is everything and nothing like I expected.  There is some air pollution, but it is not nearly as bad as I expected. The locals stare and take pictures of you, but the Chinese Veterinary students we had the pleasure to spend time with have been absolutely wonderful [we bonded over Walking Dead and Game of Thrones]. The food has also been really good [except for that one time I ate these mushrooms that where shaped and disguised as noodles], but the day I figure out how to use chopsticks will be the day the Mets win another World Series. Thank God [or Buddha, or whatever] that our hotel room has a Western style toilet. The bathrooms in China are affectionately referred to as “Squatty Potties”, which means you squat over a hole in the ground and do your business. Its’ disgusting and I think I’ve pissed on my own leg more times on this trip than I ever did growing up [And did I forget to mention that bathrooms don’t provide toilet paper or soap? Because they don’t] and I will have to throw away my sneakers before or after I get home because I am sure I have stepped in more urine [amongst other things] than I care to admit.

Tomorrow we are heading back to Xi’an to see the world famous Terra Cotta Warrior Soldiers and do some more sight-seeing in Xi’an. Hopefully these blog posts will become a daily thing, or at least far more frequent now that I have interwebs [but the great firewall of the Chinese internet blocks Facebook so I won’t be able to upload photos there until I get back].


Oh and my brother requested that the only thing he wanted me to being him back from China was something “Made in America”. I accepted the challenge and have thus far been defeated, but I still have 11 days so there is always hope. I can however, get you Beats headphones for 20 yuan [Less than $5 US].

p.s. Thanks to Mama Kaelin for uploading this since China doesn’t want me to be able to access anything fun [although reddit is allowed here, which is weird], if anything shows up weird on here, it’s her fault not mine.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Dana's Attempt at Blogging: The Sequel

It's happening folks. At 3:30 am this morning, I will begin a trip that will include 20+ hours travel time, a 12 hour time change, and a whole lot of jet lag. At the insistence of my mother and her irrational need to know what is going on every waking moment of my life [just kidding mom, I know you are reading this], I am breaking out the old blog circa 2011 and updating it with my 2.5 weeks in China. For those who don't know, I will be studying integrative veterinary medicine and acupuncture from the place where it all originated. Other than that I quite literally have no idea what else I will be doing since our itinerary is pretty vague, but regardless this will be a once in a lifetime opportunity that I am excited to be a part of!

So here's to another great adventure, and to not catching avian influenza!
