Sunday 24 July 2011

Starting this Blog Thing...

By popular demand [the request/pestering of my mother], I am here to share my experiences in the incredible country of Belize, Central America.  I've kind of gotten off to a slow start keeping track of everything but to sum it up between the last two weeks I have washed an iguana, got licked by a jaguar [he wasn't trying to eat me], assisted in the removal of several Crocodiles from a facility, gave exams to peccaries, pet a baby Tapir, watched a necropsy of a Scarlett Macaw, sutured up some dogs, and collected lots of poop for parasite testing [I also squeezed in some relaxation and swimming along the way].   

Tomorrow will be the conclusion of the Wildlife Medicine and Conservation course [exam at 9:00 am]  and the start of the Veterinary Medicine in the Tropics course.  Here's hoping the test is easy and the mosquitoes stop eating me alive [not very likely]...


The vets and our group after a successful spay/neuter clinic in Sarteneja


  1. Dana! I'm totalllllly gonna blog-stalk you (yep, "blog-stalk") looks like you're having an amazing time!

    Good luck on your exam tomorrow!

    <3 Bekah Chambs

  2. hahahah Bekah you would blog stalk Dana. Creeper....anyways, DANA I'm so not jealous of you being around so many animals. However, your in Belize and that's pretty freakin cool. I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!!
