Monday 25 July 2011

The Sweetest Ting

Today was an incredibly chill day by our standards.  I got to sleep until 7 a.m. [usually it seems we're up somewhere around 5:30] so my roomates and I could study for an hour before breakfast started.  The exam wasn't so bad, but Serina labeled parts of her human skeleton using bird anatomy which we all found extremely amusing [much to her chagrin].  Dr. Emma and Dr. T gave the introduction to the Large Animal course and began lecturing on breeds of horses, cows, and sheep as well as presented some anatomy and discussed castration methods. 

 - Most of our group on "vacation" at Caye Caulker- Left to Right: Me, Aubrey, Chelsea, Marissa [Hot Sauce], Serina, Erika

We had lunch in town at the restaurant Hannah's where they don't understand an order of grilled cheese "WITH JUST CHEESE.  NOTHING ELSE".  Neeedless to say, Aubrey and I were not pleased when our sandwiches arrived vomiting pickles, onions, and tomatoes galore.  As a rule of thumb, when it comes to eating food here I tend to chant "NUT UP OR SHUT UP" in my head and force the food down my esophagus [no one at home will believe me that I ate fish that still had its eyes attached to its body along with fins and spine. UGH].

After lunch it was back to class which consisted of a guest speaker who spoke quietly and needlessly rambled on about the livestock industry in Belize [i.e. torture].  However, afterwords we were rewarded with another trip into San Ignacio to shop and eat at our favorite place-Sweet Ting [an oasis of a bakery that has different kinds of cake and cheesecake to buy by the slice].  We go there roughly every 3 days in a vain attempt to sample every flavor of cake between all of us [I'm convinced the food service industry of Belize will crash after we leave].  In an act of gluttony I bought two pieces to hoard in the fridge at Maya Mountain and eat with my lunch tomorrow [I got red velvet and peanut butter smores *drool*).  I also bought some souvenirs for my family instead of spending all of it on cake [like I wanted to] and debated whether or not to buy a hand-made hammock.  My dorm room will be a single next year and I'm pretty sure it would be totally boss if I hung a hammock under my lofted bed.

We finally moved into our new rooms at the Lodge far away from the thatched-roofed cabanas from Hell that housed Me, Chelsea, Aubrey and some lively cockroaches.  The other group said their goodbyes to the three scorpions and tree frog that invaded their cabana as well [now we all live closer and plan on watching The Lion King together...after we wait 6 hours for it to load on the internet].



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